Non Vegetarians – are they Anti Hindu

Majority Hindu are meat eaters

Looking at the history of mankind, humans were eating meat as their food before they started farming. Ancient men did hunting for their survival irrespective of the continent they were living in and their religion. People from cold countries were heavily dependent on meat eating to meet their food requirements as their fields are covered with snow during winter time. 

Favorite Hindu Vegetarian food
Few Vegetarians in this world

There are very few sections of people in this world who promote Vegetarian culture. Most Hindus are also meat eaters. Even in Buddhism eating meat is not forbidden. Holy book of Sikhs do not promote to eat meat . Jainism is the only known religion that denounces eating Meat. But some of the Hindu sects consider meat eating as a sin. Many Hindus do not even eat eggs.

80 Of Hindu eat meat but consider them Vegetarians
Did eating meat make you strong ?

There is a belief that eating meat gives more energy and strength to the human body than being a vegetarian . Athletes , sports persons and old peoples are advised to take meat in their daily diet . East Asians are fond of eating fish which they consider as the best non veg food to eat . Europe and the West believe in eating red meat. Many part of India , eating fish is considered to be a Veg item .

Indian VEG restaurant chains are there worldwide
This world is not fit for Vegetarian Tourists

24 Billions animals eg Chickens , Cows , sheep and pigs are butchered every year , which is three time the world population of 8 Billions. 95% of people living in planet earth are non-vegetarians and do eat meat of different type . Only 5% are pure vegetarians . For a tourist it is difficult to find any restaurant which exclusively serve vegetarian food . Even inside airlines during travel it is impossible to get a pure vegetarian meals . Many pure-vegetarian people carry home made food when they travels for leisure.  

Pure VEG restaurant in Canada
Too much meat is harmful to the health

Most of the poultry and Beefs are produced by inducing hormones for fast growth of the animal . Doctor and scientists considers that such hormones are the reason of many ailments to human which can not be treated . Many European has permanently converted to Vegetarian diets by taking doctor advise. Close to 5% European populations are vegetarians now. 

Goats are sacrificed in few Hindu temples
50% Hindus eat meat

80% of Indian population are Hindu . 30% Indian are vegetarians and mostly they are Hindu. Does it mean the rest of 50% Hindu who are eating meat are anti Hindu ? May be not , may be yes . Cows are scared and is worshipped by Hindus . Hindu do not believe in killing animals for food but Animal killing for food is happening for thousands of years. Looking in to history books about God and goddess which Hindu worship in temples, there is no hard proof that ancestors of Hindu’s tribes were not eating meat . There are few Hindu temples in India where goats and lambs are sacrificed as a worship rituals. It can be concluded that eating meat by any Hindu is a personnel choice and it did not stop anybody to follow Hinduism as a religion. 

Hindu Temples only promote Veg food

My parents were pure vegetarian and did not allow even eggs in the kitchen. I did not eat meat till I was living with my parents . But once I left my home and start living in other city after getting the job , I started eating meat . I love eating chicken , chicken Biryani and fish . Though back of my mind I know eating meat is against Hindu religion but still I eat it because it taste good. Many time I attempted to stop eating meat but failed. How about you ?    

at Shanghai In china

I travelled to China as a tourist with the family . In china which is 100% meat eating country where people even eat snakes , Scorpio and bats do not have any hotel , food stall or restaurant where pure vegetarian food is served , except one or two Indian restaurants in big cities. My wife who is pure Vegetarians did eat raw cucumber , tomato and fruit for two weeks of our trip . Even the bread and tomato sauce in Pizza-Hut of china has non-veg ingredient.  

Is eating meat by any Hindu is sin ?

To conclude as a modern Hindu , eating meat is not considered as anti Hindu act , except by few hard core groups . Meat eater Hindus are allowed to worship any god or goddess and pray in any temples. Do you think they are anti Hindu ?

An explanation – can Hindu eat meat ?
West is following Vegetarianism


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