Green Channel or Red Channel – NRI dilemma

Do you have a iPhone ?

Do you have a I-phone ? , This is the  standard question being asked to NRI during checking by custom officer at Indian Airport . The answer can be complicated . If it is open pack and being used and having sim inside , it is not a issues .But if it is sealed pack , you are in trouble what ever excuse you provide that it is a gift for my family . You end of paying custom duty on packed I-Phone. I am told rules do not prohibit you carry 2 mobile phone for personal use , provided both phone have sim and are being used. This is just a brief. , but there are many local stories !!

NRI arriving at India
Why NRI carry a fear of Custom at Airport –

The biggest fear of any NRI coming to home in India is , ‘’ will the flight start and reach in time in India “ and “ Are the items I am carrying is within my custom allowance and no body at Airport will check and ask me to pay custom Duty “.  My NRI experience for over 30 Year of travelling says – It is all your luck on particular day as nobody want to pay Custom Duty at Airport. Whatever a passenger brings , it is mainly for the family and friend as gifts.  In 30kg Bag how much you can carry any way ? But the fear of Custom Check at Airport persist , as Airports are full of X-ray machines right from Departure to arrival and exit. It’s common for travelers, including NRIs , to feel a sense of apprehension or nervousness when going through customs at Indian airports

X-Ray check to luggage at Airport
Duty Free allowance for NRI is very low –

Current duty free allowance for NRI passenger arriving India is –

SnoItemQtyAmountComments for visiting NRI
1Men – Gold jewellery20 gmRs 50,000Not Gold Biscuits
2Women – Gold Jewellery40 gmRs 100,000Not Gold Biscuits
3Laptop1 no Should be being used
4Mobile Phone2 no Should be active and being used
5Whiskey2 Bottle 1 ltr Bottle
6Dollars $ 5,000 
7Rupee Currency Rs 25,000 
8Cigarette200 no  
9Cigar50 no  
10Other Misc items Rs 50,000For personnel use
Subject to change regularly
This cassette player fall under Custom Duty in 80s
Old era – Entry of Handy cam in the passport !!

The strictness of custom check at Airport has ben changing and improving year wise year. In early 70s baggage of most of the passengers were opened to valuise the items for charging duties . Even calculators was not spared. Getting custom done was a task  and it use to take 2 hours for custom check . In 80s any high value Electronic items/ handy-cam /camera / tele-lens etc was required to be entered in passport if it is meant to be taken back after visiting India. Few who dared to using green channel were stopped and questioned and further X-ray check , giving a feeling that a smuggler is entering India !!. In 90s with increased Duty free allowance , Govt soften the approach to incoming NRI at Airport . But still most of the Bag coming to conveyor belt do carry Chalk mark ( ie this bag need to be checked by Custom ). Starting Yr 2000 when foreign brands were started manufacturing in India . During period 40inch TV were allowed duty free !!! . Major airports started hassle free NRI entry check for custom duty  but at smaller Airport situation is still scary to arriving NRI . Sometime custom is charged for gold bangles and Necklace which women are wearing and price of wrist watch of men is being asked. The scare of custom check at Indian Airport is extreme to over 70Lakh Indian Labour working in middle east .

Mumbai Airport
Be smart to handle Custom Duty at Airport –

The fear of customs duty is a common concern among NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) when traveling to their home country. Overall, NRIs should be prepared to comply with customs procedures and regulations when arriving at airports to avoid any delays, fines, or other issues during the customs clearance process. Addressing the fear of customs duty involves understanding customs regulations. By educating themselves about customs procedures and regulations.  Engaging in deceptive practices at airports can have serious consequences, including fines, confiscation of goods, legal action, and jail. Instead of trying to trick customs officials, it’s advisable to:

  1. Know the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the customs regulations of the country you’re traveling to or from. This includes understanding duty-free allowances, restricted and prohibited items, and any documentation requirements.
  2. Declare All Items: Be honest and transparent when filling out customs declaration forms. Declare all goods, including gifts, purchases, and items of value, even if you’re unsure whether they need to be declared.
  3. Prepare Documentation: Ensure you have all necessary documentation for your belongings, such as receipts, invoices, permits, and licenses. Having proper documentation can expedite the customs clearance process and demonstrate your compliance with regulations.
  4. Pack Wisely: Avoid packing prohibited or restricted items in your luggage. Check the customs regulations of the country you’re traveling to for a list of items that are restricted.  
  5. Cooperate with Customs Officials: If selected for inspection or questioning by customs officials, remain calm and cooperative. Answer questions truthfully and provide any requested documentation or information.
A Passenger at Check In desk
Plan what you want to take to India –

Attempting to deceive customs officials is not only unethical but also risky and can result in serious consequences. It’s always best to comply with customs regulations and ensure a smooth and lawful entry or exit from a country.

  1. Plan Ahead: If you are importing high-value items or goods subject to significant customs duties, consider planning your purchases strategically. Timing your purchases to stay within duty-free allowances or taking advantage of duty-free shops at airports can help reduce customs duties.
  2. Stay Calm and Cooperative: Remain calm and composed when interacting with customs officials. Answer questions truthfully and provide any requested documentation or information. Cooperation and politeness can facilitate a smoother customs clearance process.
  3. Explore Duty-Free Shops: Utilize duty-free shops at airports or ports to purchase goods without paying customs duties. However, be mindful of the duty-free limits and regulations, and ensure that you are eligible to purchase goods from duty-free shops based on your travel itinerary.
Every passenger get Security and Custom Check at airport
Do not evade Custom Law –

It’s important to remember that attempting to evade customs duties is illegal and can result in serious consequences, including fines, confiscation of goods, and legal action. Always comply with customs regulations to minimize customs duties when importing goods as an NRI. It is a fine line. When caught , the passenger becomes a smuggler. When a passenger is declared as a smuggler, it means that customs or law enforcement authorities have determined that the individual has engaged in smuggling activities.

Smuggled Gold above limit from a Passenger
There is a fine line between Passenger and a Smuggler –

Smuggling involves the illegal transportation of goods across borders, typically to evade customs duties, taxes, or import/export restrictions. Here are some scenarios in which a passenger may be declared as a smuggler:

  1. Concealing Contraband: If a passenger attempts to conceal prohibited or restricted items in their luggage, clothing, or personal belongings in order to bypass customs inspections, they may be identified as a smuggler.
  2. Undeclared Goods: Failure to declare or under-declare valuable items, currency, or goods subject to customs duties on customs declaration forms can result in a passenger being flagged as a smuggler.
  3. Transporting Illegal Substances: Transporting illegal drugs, narcotics, firearms, counterfeit goods, or other illicit items across borders is considered smuggling. If customs or law enforcement authorities discover such items in a passenger’s possession, they may be declared as a smuggler.
  4. False Documentation: Presenting falsified or forged documents, such as invoices, permits, or licenses, to circumvent customs regulations or deceive authorities can lead to being labeled as a smuggler.
  5. Bulk Cash Smuggling: Transporting large sums of cash or monetary instruments across borders without declaring them to customs authorities may be considered bulk cash smuggling and can result in the passenger being declared as a smuggler.
  6. Using trick methods: Many tried to evade custom duty by wrapping Gold , diamond , Dollars or other items in Carbon Paper or hiding in the under garment area . Modern X-ray machines and Security gates catch them very easily , so never try that.

When a passenger is declared as a smuggler, they may face legal consequences, including fines, confiscation of goods, arrest, and prosecution. It’s important for travelers to comply with customs regulations and avoid engaging in illegal activities to prevent being declared as smugglers.

Custom Desk at Airport !!
Is charging Custom duty to NRI at Airport is really worth ?

What is the necessity of having Customs check for NRI passenger travelling to India ? Mostly they are working class and fractions out of them are tourists. Majority are labour from Middle East countries carrying 30Kg Baggage. No doubt Tourists and NRI are fond of Gold , Camera , phone , watches , Scotch and perfume etc . Most of these items are available in India . If some one intend to buy better brand  from outside the country and bring it to India , they should not be charged with Custom as long as it is for personnel use and not for trading. NRI bring lot of foreign exchange earning to Indian foreign exchange reserve and should be looked after better than showing them limit and list of Duty free allowance . Anyone coming back to India after a gap of 1 year and more should be exempted for Custom duty at Airport . I doubt doing this , it will shake govt revenue very badly but will definitely promote NRI to visit India regularly thus spending and investing in India.

It happen , you are a Lucky Passenger
Airport Arrival to Exit route

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