Why peoples are jealous of NRI ?
Raise your hand who loves the NRI ? . They are not so loved at their native country and as well as overseas where they work. They are hated more than they are loved. Every NRI seek love and affection from his family and friends but it is very rare , even if it does happen it is very much conditional. It is due to the human nature of envy to others who are living a rich life.
Natives do not like immigrants
Immigrants in general are not liked by the citizen of the adopted countries whether they are migrated through official channels or entered illegally. Most of the NRI get their permanent status through official channels with multiple hurdles and tough procedures. But there are many who use the flaws in international laws on immigration and manage to live as an illegal residents in foreign countries. Some are self-made refugees who jumped illegally the international border fence which are operated by refugee syndicate, they are the most vulnerable lot and also headache for the adopted countries.
Local native of many countries claim that their jobs are being eaten up by the migrants, as they are ready to work for any salary far less than minimum wages set by the govt, and also ready to do any work far lower to their qualification. This end up locals losing their jobs to earn the standard wages. The overall affect of this is that the local community do not like and mingle with the migrants landing in their town making their life difficult. This results in to discrimination in work places and end up having verbal slurs and hate comments at work and in public places. Most of the NRI go through this hate atmosphere on daily basis. This happens despite the adopted country is short of manpower and their govt wanted more and more immigrants to arrive and work there .
NRI community are not in to good terms between themselves also due to cultural difference , self-centered attitude , greed and ego problems. They usually do not come out of their old cultural shell and mingle very little with own community. This leads in to isolation and little love by others by the same community even in foreign land.
NRI also face Love & hate relationship back home. They are loved by their parents , brothers and sisters . They are liked by their close relatives and friends as long as they look after them and help them monetarily and give them gifts during holiday visits. But they face lot of hates ( not on face ) by their own country men who are envy to their growth, and most of the NRI are affected by this scenario. #ESKmehta
Nice sir